
In this guide, we delve into the world of plumbing fixtures. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to update or simply curious about the nitty-gritty of these essential home fixtures, we’ve got you covered. 

DCM Plumbing is the best plumber on the Gold Coast. We are available 24/7 for all your plumbing needs. With over 900 5* Google reviews and 35 years of experience, we are known as the best for a reason. Got a blocked drain? Need help with leak detection? Want to learn how to clear a blocked drainWe can help.

What are fixtures in plumbing?

Plumbing fixtures are devices or components that are connected to a plumbing system to deliver and drain water. They serve various purposes in residential, commercial, and industrial settings, such as providing water for drinking, washing, bathing, and waste disposal. 

The types of plumbing fixtures

The types of plumbing fixtures in your home include:

  1. Taps: These control the flow of water from pipes and are found in sinks, showers, bathtubs, and outdoor spigots
  2. Sinks and basins: These are basins that hold water for washing hands, dishes, and other items. Sinks are commonly found in kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms.
  3. Toilets: These fixtures are designed for human waste disposal and are connected to sewer or septic systems.
  4. Bathtubs and showers: These fixtures provide a space for bathing or showering, with bathtubs usually having a built-in or separate faucet, while showers have a shower head connected to a water source.
  5. Bidets: These are used for washing oneself after using the toilet, and they typically have a tap or nozzle for delivering water.
  6. Spigots: These outdoor taps allow for the connection of garden hoses and are used for tasks like watering lawns, washing cars, or filling pools.
  7. Water heaters: Although not a fixture itself, water heaters supply hot water to various plumbing fixtures like taps, showers, and bathtubs.
  8. Traps, drains, and food waste disposers: These are essential components of a plumbing system that help to remove wastewater, dispose of food waste, and prevent sewer gases from entering a building.

These fixtures are typically made from materials such as porcelain, stainless steel, brass, or plastic, and they come in a wide range of styles and designs to suit different needs and preferences.

How to choose plumbing fixtures

When looking at how to choose plumbing fixtures for your home, there are many factors to consider. These factors will help you make informed decisions and ensure that your home’s plumbing system functions efficiently and effectively.

  1. Functionality: Choose fixtures that meet your specific needs and preferences. For example, if you have limited mobility or accessibility concerns, consider installing grab rails, walk-in bathtubs, flick mixer taps or touchless taps.
  2. Quality and durability: Opt for high-quality, durable fixtures that are less likely to wear out, leak, or break over time. Investing in reputable brands and materials can save you money in the long run by reducing the need for repairs or replacements.
  3. Compatibility: Ensure that the new fixtures are compatible with your existing plumbing system. This may involve checking pipe sizes, connections, water pressure requirements, and other specifications.
  4. Style and design: Select fixtures that complement the overall aesthetic of your home, taking into account the style, colour, and finish. Coordinating fixtures throughout your home can create a cohesive look and enhance your home’s appeal.
  5. Energy and water efficiency: Choose fixtures with water-saving features, such as low-flow taps, showerheads, and dual-flush toilets. These can help you conserve water and reduce your utility bills.
  6. Installation: Consider the complexity of installation for the new fixtures. Some updates may require the expertise of a professional plumber, while others can be completed as DIY projects.
  7. Budget: Establish a budget for your plumbing updates and prioritise which fixtures to replace based on factors such as age, condition, and impact on water usage.
  8. Local building codes and regulations: Familiarise yourself with any local building codes or regulations that may apply to your plumbing updates, as these can dictate specific requirements for fixture types, installation, and more.
  9. Warranty and support: Check the warranty provided by the manufacturer for the fixtures you plan to purchase. A good warranty can offer peace of mind and protect your investment in case of defects or issues.

By considering these factors, you can make informed decisions about updating your plumbing fixtures and ensure a successful, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing outcome. 

Contact DCM Plumbing if you’re in doubt

If you’re not sure how to install your new plumbing fixtures, contact us today. We are the Gold Coast’s best plumbers with over 900 5* Google reviews and 35 years of experience and we can help you with all your plumbing maintenance needs.

In this article, we look at how to dispose of cooking oil and other fats properly, why you can’t pour them down the sink, and more. 

Is there anything better than fried foods? Probably not, but disposing of cooking oil properly is a lot less enjoyable… 

While you might’ve heard that you shouldn’t pour oil down the sink, have you ever thought about why you shouldn’t? Well, we are going to show you the why, detail the shocking damage that fat and oil can cause in your pipes and further afield, and demonstrate how to dispose of oil properly. 

DCM Plumbing is the best plumber on the Gold Coast. We are available 24/7 for all your plumbing needs. With over 900 5* Google reviews and 35 years of experience, we are known as the best for a reason. Got a blocked drain? Need help with leak detection? Want to learn how to clear a blocked drain? We can help. 

Can you pour oil down the sink?

Plainly, no, you can’t pour oil down the sink. This is also true for other fats like lard and butter. Pouring fats, oil, and grease down your sink can cause significant damage to your pipes, the sewerage, and even the wider environment. Don’t do it! Let’s look at the why a little more closely now.

Why can’t you put oil down the sink?

  1. It can clog your drains: Fats, oils, and grease thicken and can even solidify when they cool down (especially in the cooler months). When poured down the sink, they can stick to the pipes and accumulate over time, eventually forming blockages. This can lead to slow-draining water, foul odours, and even sewage backups.
  2. Sewer system damage: When fats, oils, and grease build up in the sewer lines, it can cause blockages that affect the entire system, leading to possible overflows and environmental damage. 
  3. Environmental pollution: When blockages in the sewer system cause overflows, untreated sewage can enter waterways, affecting aquatic life and contaminating water sources. Fat, oil, and grease-related pollution can be harmful to the environment and pose health risks to humans and wildlife.

Plumbing damage: Fats, oils, and gas can cause damage to your home’s plumbing system, resulting in costly repairs and potential water damage.

Fatbergs: nightmares lurking in the sewers

Piece Of A Fatberg On Display At The Museum Of London
Image credit: Lord Belbury, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

A fatberg is a large, solid mass formed in sewer systems when fats, oils, and grease combine with non-biodegradable items like wet wipes, nappies, sanitary products, and other debris.

Fatbergs can cause serious problems in sewer systems, including blockages, sewage overflows, and damage to infrastructure. They are difficult and expensive to remove, often requiring specialised equipment and manual labour. 

In fact, a fatberg in London made headline news in 2017 as it was so severe that it risked flooding London streets with raw sewage. The fatberg required an entire team of workers in specialised protective suits to dismantle it with shovels, and they described it as being as hard as concrete. The fatberg was over 250 metres long and weighed as much as 19 elephants. This fatberg was so notorious in fact that after dismantling it, part of it was put on display at the Museum of London, a documentary was made about it, and it even inspired a musical.

While it’s easy to have a laugh at some of the more extraordinary stories that fatbergs produce, Water Services Association of Australia estimates that fatbergs cost water utility companies an estimated $15 million a year to clear – that’s serious money. 

Don’t be a part of the problem! Do your part and dispose of fat, oil, and grease responsibly.

How to Dispose of Cooking Oil Properly

Container method: 

  1. Allow the cooking oil to cool: After using the oil, wait for it to cool down to a safe temperature before handling it.
  2. Choose a suitable container: Find a solid, sealable, container that is large enough to hold the oil. Old jars or plastic containers with lids, such as empty detergent or milk bottles, are great options as they help to reuse waste.
  3. Pour the oil into the container: Carefully pour the cooled oil into the container, using a funnel if necessary to avoid spills. If you have used solid fats, allow them to solidify, then scoop them into the container.
  4. Seal the container: Secure the lid tightly to prevent leaks and odours.
  5. Throw the sealed container into your general waste: Ensure the container is sealed before throwing it in the bin, and then simply get rid of it like normal waste. 

If you work at a cafe, bar, or restaurant, there may be an oil recycling service near you. 

Alternative disposal methods

If you don’t have a container to dispose of the oil in, there are other ways to get rid of small amounts of oil. 

To do this, ensure the oil is cooled (and solidified if applicable), then mix it with absorbent materials such as paper towels or cat litter before placing it in a sealed bag and disposing of it in your general waste bin. Note that this method should only be used for small amounts of oil, as larger quantities may cause issues at waste processing facilities.

Add small amounts to your compost

Small amounts of used cooking oil can be added to a compost pile (try and limit yourself to about a cup at a time). If you do choose to add used cooking oil to your compost, make sure to mix it thoroughly with other organic matter, such as yard waste and kitchen scraps, to help prevent clumping and promote even decomposition. Adding too much oil to your compost can slow down the composting process, and too much oil can make your compost start to smell. 

Reuse your cooking oil

You can also filter the cooled oil through a fine mesh strainer or cloth to remove any food particles, and store it in a clean container for future use. Reusing oil is best for oils with a high smoke point, such as vegetable or canola oil, and when it hasn’t been used to cook strong-flavoured or heavily seasoned foods. Only reuse once or twice, maximum. 

Contact DCM Plumbing for all your plumbing needs

At DCM Plumbing, we are always here to help with any plumbing concerns, including blocked drains and pipe maintenance. If you experience any issues or need professional advice, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact us today.

So you’ve just bought a nice new ice maker/filtered water fridge and you want to learn how to plumb it. Well, you’re in safe hands! At DCM Plumbing we’ve plumbed a few fridges in our time and while we can show you how to plumb yours, it’s almost always best left to the professionals, especially if the water supply isn’t nearby – it’s not as straightforward as it sounds. 

DCM Plumbing is the best plumber on the Gold Coast. We are available 24/7 for all your plumbing needs. With over 900 5* Google reviews and 35 years of experience, we are known as the best for a reason. Got a blocked drain? Need help with leak detection? Want to learn how to clear a blocked drainWe can help.

Can you plumb a fridge yourself?

Well, unfortunately – and perhaps surprisingly – not really. In Queensland, there are strict regulations on who can perform plumbing work and plumbing a fridge yourself can not only void the warranty of your fridge but also cause insurance claim issues if any problems were to arise, so best leave it to a professional. 

In fact, in a worst-case scenario, you could be looking at penalties for breaching plumbing law, going so far as prosecution in court and on-the-spot fines. 

If after reading all that you’d still like to plumb it yourself, we’d be remiss in not giving you the best chance of success, but be warned. Here is how to plumb in a fridge:

How to plumb in a fridge

Here is a six-step process that will walk you through how to plumb in a fridge yourself:

  1. First, shut off the water supply by turning off the valve that provides water to the sink. Then, look under the sink and locate where it is connected to the waterline. 
  2. Insert a T-shaped valve, dividing the waterline into two separate connections. One connection will supply water to the sink and the other will be used for the fridge freezer. If the water tap is directly connected to the waterline, remove the tap and connect the T-shaped valve over it. 
  3. Connect one end of the valve to the waterline and the other end to the sink or water tap. In the centre, there will be a hole left where you can attach the piping for the fridge. 
  4. Secure the pipe with an O ring and connect the braided water supply tube to the valve. If the waterline goes under the sink, you might need to drill a hole in the cabinet to let it pass through to the sink. 
  5. Finally, connect the pipe to the refrigerator by pushing the other end of the pipe onto the connection at the back of the freezer and securing it with an O ring. Use tape for extra security before pushing the fridge into position. 
  6. Turn the water supply back on, and let the water flow into the fridge’s inbuilt water tank. Test the water dispenser by flushing 8-10 glasses of water through it and check for leaks in the pipework.

If that sounds like too much work for you or your fridge doesn’t have a handy water supply next to it, then leave it to a professional. If you’re on the Gold Coast, contact us today and we will be more than happy to plumb your fridge for you. Don’t risk it! 


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