When you need to call a plumber in Burleigh Heads, you want one you can count on to come quickly and with a reputation that precedes them.

That’s why you should always call us here at DCM Plumbing and Drainage. We are the experts in all things plumbing and can fix issues from the very minor to the very major.

You’ve called the plumber, but what should you do now? Complete this list of tasks while you wait for the best results.

Have Answers to Questions

There’s a good chance that your plumber is going to ask you a couple of common questions before getting started on repairs or maintenance.

That includes a description of what the problem is, how long it’s been going on and what steps you’ve taken to fix the problem. Honest answers to these questions give your plumber a starting point for assessing the issue and getting it taken care of efficiently and promptly.

Know Where Plumbing is Located

Be sure you can point out your hot water heater, the water source and where the main water valve (stop cock) is housed.

This is important to know in case there’s a leak or the water needs to be shut off to do the repairs.

Knowing where everything is enables your plumber to get started immediately without having to waste time searching for important components of your plumbing system.

Clear Some Room for the Plumber to Work

Nothing is more tricky and time consuming than having to work in a cramped space where lots of household items are being stored and so it’s a nice thing to do to clear a space for your plumber to get the job done.

If your sink is the problem, clear out anything you keep in the cabinet beneath it. If it’s the toilet, move the toilet paper holder, the plunger, the bathroom rug and anything else in the general vicinity.

Keep Pets and Kids Out of the Way

Kids and pets are notorious for wanting to know what’s going on and getting under foot when things are happening.

Make your plumber’s job easier by shutting pets in another room or out in the garden and finding your kids something to do out of the way in another part of the house cialis prodaja.

Your plumber will thank you and you’ll enjoy a quicker and more productive plumber visit.

Give us a call at DCM Plumbing and Drainage at any time for help with just about any plumbing problem you’re having. Our number is (07) 5576 5305 or contact us through our website.